houseboy [haus,boi] noun - a male domestic servant Source: The Collins English Dictionary houseboy [n] a personal attendant of the British royal family [n] an official charged with the care of the horses of princes or nobles Source: WordNet Dictionary houseboy SYLLABICATION: house·boy PRONUNCIATION: housboi NOUN: A male servant in a house Source Yahoo Reference
Jump to the Houseboi's Classifieds where over 17,180+ listings have been posted for Houseboys and Seekers of them!
What is a houseboy today? Jump to the Top A Houseboy is boy that is looking for a unique position for a change, a career, some even love. A Houseboy's age can range from 18 to 60. Many want to be a personal assistant, a housekeeper, a bookkeeper, a chief, and many other duties. In the past a Houseboy would serve as assistant and some even grow into a life long relationship with their employers. For some that is taboo. Many stable couples today will take in a Houseboy for the household duties and to mentor.
Does a Houseboy get paid? Jump to the Top This is an area that is very different for many. Most Houseboys are paid in terms of Room and Board, Meals, Travel, Furnishings for their private spaces. Some get a phone line; some even get their own Personal Computers and a means of Internet access for it. Some Houseboys will be on a salary while others will get an allowance for spending moneys. Others will want the stable home and have a rent free environment and will be able to maintain an outside part time job to get spending moneys for them. This is an area that is so different that it should be discussed in detail and an arrangement worked out that is good for everyone.
Some items to consider when working as a houseboy or hiring a houseboy: Jump to the Top
- Job description
- In person interview and at whose expense
- Trial period? How long?
- Hours of work, days off and holidays
- Transportation and travel expenses to the new assignment
- Qualifications
- Living conditions, room included rent free or deducted from salary
- Is sex required or expected?
- A contract.
- Character references or a background search
- Search for notes from former employers or bois
How might I benefit from being a Houseboy? Jump to the Top That all depends on how your situation is setup, most will have no rent, no food bills to worry about. A stable home. Some will receive a salary where others will not. The list here can be simple or detailed, again that is up to you and your employers. This can be a great starting point if you would like to eventually work as a butler.
Who hires a Houseboy? Jump to the Top Most Houseboys are hired by gay couples in stable relationships. This is a perfect opportunity for the young gay male to be exposed to a stable gay environment. Some are hired by single males who are too busy for the everyday home work. This is a perfect situation for a houseboy who wants time to study or pursue outside interests without paying high rents. Others are hired by Bisexual Couples, Straight Couples, Lesbian Couples and Gay men trying to in some ways find a companion. This is another area that should be really considered when looking for work or deciding to get a Houseboy in the first place. If you have relationship problems and you bring a cute young man into your home, your relationship dramas will be enhanced. Work out any issues you have before entering into an arrangement. Jump to the Top
Some Houseboys are hired by men who want to be seen with a handsome buff model on their arm. These Houseboys are frequently rewarded with lavish trips to popular gay resorts, smart luncheons and extravagant affairs. Keep in mind that everything has a price and sometimes these jobs may include extra duties that some houseboys would find objectionable.
Why Boi instead of Boy? Jump to the Top Many Boys today have run into filters that do not allow the spelling of Boy, hence they have come up with the spelling of Boy as boi or bois. AOL the biggest filter on the web will not allow a chat room created with the word Boy.
Where are the Houseboys listings at? Click here and we will take you directly to them!
Where are the Houseboy Seekers listings at? Click here and we will take you directly to them! Jump to the Top
Jump to the Houseboi's Classifieds where over 27,450+ listings have been posted for Houseboys and Seekers of them!
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Important Note: The word boy and/or boi anywhere on this site refers to young men who are 18 and over. This term is used to indicate a youthful appearance and gender only and is not intended to imply that anyone on this site is under legal age. We are Not a service or an agency. We are a specialty online classifieds publication offering free ads for young men seeking positions and free ads for mature gentlemen/couples seeking housebois. Any personal contact is always made at your own risk! |